Ewes in Season Help?


Just born
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys! I'm Lilly, 18 and live in Australia.

I've hand raised two very lovely little Ewe's, one is about 3 and a half and the other is now 8 Months old. We don't own a ram and have never bred sheep before, but we were really hoping to get them in lamb this season!
Our neighbour gave in to my pestering and said we could 'borrow' a ram, but he's not hugely helpful and said when the girls were in season we'd just have to walk them into his paddock to get bred.

Trouble is I don't know how to tell when they are in season! Do I look at the vulva? Will there be a significant change? Has anybody got 'Not in Season' and 'In Season' photographs of the vulva so I may have some idea?
I've never seen either of them looking interested the males next door, and with so many ewes over there to share around I don't think the boys could be bothered standing at the fence hoping to reach them. Today I saw a couple ewes being mated and figure around now must be the most fertile time, as it's not often we see them mating.

Also another little question- it is okay to breed a 3 and a half year old when she's never had a lamb before isn't it? She's a bit over weight, but otherwise healthy as ever... :p

Thanks in advance!


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Alright since youre in Australia start watching once the weather cools down. Sheep are programmed to breed in cool weather for warm weather lambs. As for signs sheep can be a real pain to catch in heat and to be honest I've never been able to tell.
If possible see if your neighbores will let your ewes hang out in his field for a month or so.

Are you thinking October lambs or?

Your older ewe should be fine but in my experience the well conditioned ewes who have never lambed will generally have multiples so keep an eye for when she does lamb.
Good luck !

Oh and :welcome