Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Hydroxychloroquine gave me chemically induced depression. It was bizarre. If someone takes it they should be alert for that. It is a side effect of it, but it is a less publicized one. Quinine can take a slow toll on mental health too, which is a really unsettling thought when considering the president claims to be taking it.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Selenium also boosts your immune system. Your daily requirements are 400 mcg. I take a 200 mcg daily. Selenium is also necessary to fight off cancerous cells. A very interesting book is Minerals For The Genetic Code. I’ve read it many times and learn something new each time I read it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Vitamins are not presented as ways to boost systems or to help fight off infections or anything because they CANNOT BE PATENTED. Unless you go to a naturapathic doctor or someone who is big on natural healing and such, very seldom will any conventional doctor tell you to take more than a "multi" vitamin supplement. They don't see or haven't been taught, and don't want to see that building a healthy immune system is a better way to fight off infections and such. They will sometimes do some blood tests and the most often prescribed "supplement" is iron, and the majority of that is for women during their reproductive life stage. Until there is a real deficiency, vitamins are not often looked to by conventional medicine for solutions to problems.
Vegetables grown in healthy, well mineralized soil, have been shown to have more vitamins and minerals in them and more available to the human body to absorb. So, use your own judgement. Most on here are into healthier living and eating, and will see the benefits of eating animals and foods from their own gardens and pastures, because of the healthier and more tasty product.
Most doctors will not recognize how important Vit C is because we supposedly get it from our food, yet humans and guinea pigs are the only 2 mammals that do not make it in their own system, and it has to be supplemented in some form. I don't know of a single person that gets enough, to do more than maintain their system, and not enough for a therapeutic dose to help ward off viruses.
But to each his own belief about what is just barely enough to maintain, and what is needed to have a good healthy immune system and well functioning body, and what are therapeutic amounts.
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Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
humans and guinea pigs are the only 2 mammals that do not make it in their own system, and it has to be supplemented in some form.

Slight correction: none of the great apes, including humans, are able to synthesize their own vitamin C. But I think the rest of your observations are correct.

On a slightly related topic, I watched a YouTube video yesterday that addressed the food supply chain. After watching it, I think I understand better why farmers have an oversupply of food while grocery stores shelves are often bare. See what you think of it:

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Senile_Texas_Aggie thank you. That was a good video. And it showed in the background shots how much agriculture is a labor intensive business....even on the huge farms. It is true about how much is ; or rather was ; consumed in the restaurant sector and how farming has evolved to provide the products that the restaurant and food service sectors require. Everyone (meaning as a general statement) keeps saying why can't people go to get things directly from the farmer. This shows just a little bit of the enormous size and immense scale of the growing of just vegetables is and how it is just not practical that people can go and get the food or even pick their own. Add to it things like the "biosecurity" at the farms that produce eggs and milk, to prevent someone from bringing in a disease on their shoes, to the poultry houses, and you can begin to see the complications of some of the daily farming complications.
What if people wanted to go get chicken, like the broilers? 99.9% of the people who consume them wouldn't have the slightest idea of what to do with a 5 lb live broiler????? So then they need to go to the poultry processing plant..... but the workers there work in close quarters.... so the whole thing continues to escalate. There are too many parts of animal industries that are dependent on people that robots cannot do. Add to the workers that got sick, and the whole big deal that has made this virus seem to be so much more horrible than the usual flu spikes, and then add in the labor unions for the workers, and it has spiralled out of control and out of proportion. Yes this virus is serious; but as a whole, it is more serious to those that are in the susceptible range. Both the prof Cahill,, and the two doctors in Calf that had the earlier video about how the immune system works, (Dr. Erikson was one of the two) have shown that there are constant threats to our own body immunity and we have to continue to strengthen it.
The flu shot so many people take is not a vaccine..... it does not prevent the flu. It is a way to innoculate the bodies own immune system to hopefully allow it to provide some defense to that strain and other strains that you might be exposed to. Most everyone I know has had a form of the flu after getting the shot. It is not like a smallpox vaccine that PREVENTS you from ever getting it as the smallpox is a specific strain that has not mutated. Same as rabies. We will never be rid of the flu, or of any of the corona viruses as they continue to mutate. We will be immune to the SPECIFIC strain we had, but it is a never ending thing that viruses like them will mutate. Some will have a greater resistance and even immunity to the various strains due to their own very strong immune systems.
Until the medical community gets to the point of wanting to keep people healthy FIRST, and not to wanting to TREAT a disease or problem, after it happens.....BECAUSE drugs that are developed are more profitable than naturally, (and some man made), occurring remedies to STAY HEALTHY, and to keep your immune system operating at it's peak, then we will continue to have all these things happen in people.
And people have to get to the point that they are willing to go the extra effort to be healthy, and to not want the doctors to prescribe a pill to FIX what is wrong with them. So many are all about "quick fixes" and not about taking responsibility for what we do that undermines our health and well being.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday afternoon. Happy Memorial day and my sincere thank you to everyone of you have served this country in some sort of capacity. I had some relatives in the service over the years, and I respect the sacrifices they made to fight for what they believe in. Be that for whatever side they served on too, as I had relatives in the Union Army, and a distant one that fought for the south, and some in the various WW's as well as my ex in the Vietnam mess.

It is partly cloudy, some sun, but it is very humid, muggy, and "close feeling". Yesterday I went to a new farm, that one of the other testers asked me to take over. It turned black, and then it poured down like I haven't seen in awhile. They got in the neighborhood of 3 1/2 inches over the 2 plus hours. The lightning was so close, the father said that he saw it hit the lightning rods on the one barn, and it hit with the thunder right behind it so close and the cows jerked in the parlor as the electricity went through the pipelines and all with all the water and metal in there.

We had 1 inch in my gauge here at the house. It is still muggy and sticky. Started out cloudy but the sun has been out some. Still calling for some showers and possible thunderstorms again, more sun tomorrow and then more rain coming in for several days.

Chickens have settled in okay. Have lost a bunch, but that is expected. Started out with over 60, about 64 or 65 I think. Have about 50 that look like they will make the transition from the confinement house to the outside open air life now. I always figure to lose 20% or more just because. I will count them maybe tomorrow if there are no more dead ones. They have all figured out where the feeder is and that the waterer is not the little nipples but in the 5 gallon fountains. So that is all good. Especially since I had no intention of getting these.

Got the new carb for the mower so hopefully that will get put on tomorrow and the mower will run again. Cheaper to put the new one on than to have the mower serviced. Got the new taillight lens for the truck, that got broken when I first tried using the clutch with the boot and didn't get it pushed in far enough and hit the wrecked truck and broke the lens. Whoops.....

Met with the people on the house. Came back with a price of 75,000 which is within the range I was thinking; in fact that is what I first thought it might be priced at. Now have to call the Credit Union tomorrow to make an appt with the mtg person that called me after I applied online. Also the appraiser told them that one of the local banks was real good about working with people on "fixer - upper" houses so I will definitely be calling them and get an appt and see what they have to say. Owners have said that they are satisfied with my verbal saying I want it, no down payment, and they said that they will not take any offers from anyone even if someone were to call and say they were interested. I told them that I would keep them apprised of my progress with the banks. They have to do the paperwork to make the surveyed piece off the original land legal through the county, but it has basically been approved. Surveyor will come back and put in the pins and I asked if they could get them to also put some T-posts alongside with surveyor tape on it so that it would be easier to find since everything is growing up so much. I offered to pay for the t-posts, but they said it would be good for them to also know exactly where the lines are. So hopefully that will get done this week and I will be able to see exactly where the lines are although we walked out and looked at it and I have a good idea.

So, the banks are first.... then looking for someone to do the bathroom and the possibility of getting the pipes extended up to the upstairs room for a future small bathroom up there. I am hoping that is all will go okay, and maybe that the banks will be wanting someone to borrow that has a pretty good chance to pay it back. I don't want to get ahead of things, but am going to do some looking for possibilities for the replacing the bathtub/surround and such. I have no idea of what is available. I am thinking that something that might be "elderly friendly" after the ankle surgery has made me aware of some things that would be helpful to someone who can't just "hop in the shower"....

PT tomorrow morning so I am going to get the milk samples packed this evening from yesterdays test.... and we will see how tomorrow goes. I have been trying to do all the different exercises at least twice a day.....
The compression stocking has helped with the swelling, but it is not easy to get it on even first thing in the morning.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That is good news on the house. That is kinda like the way we sold our old house. It was a handshake deal, no realtor, no earnest money, just a verbal agreement. On the re-plumbing the place, have you considered pex plumbing? We had our old house re-plumbed with it after an old galvanized pipe burst in the ceiling.

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