Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. This is going to be a very interesting, and probably fraught with some insanity (being an election) year.

It got down to 34 last night..... not looking to warm up much either. Partly cloudy out, some lighter sky around the edges, but think it will be cloudier than yesterday. A little more breeze according to the weather forecast. Some spotty showers and such after 3 p.m.
I will probably not let the youngest twins out in the lot today since it is calling for some showers. Tomorrow is calling for sun so they will get to go out. They also will get done early in mid day again, tomorrow, with some milk since we will leave here to go test by 3 p.m.... and they will get left in the bigger pen since I will not be going to the barn after we get home from testing at 10-11 p.m. They will be hungry Tuesday... but the 4 older ones are all eating grain and hay so they will just eat what is there anyway. The last set will get a few lessons about eating a little bit too... the monkey see/monkey do thing. It sometimes amazes me about the copy cat behavior. But that is what they would be doing if left with the momma cow... I see month old calves out "grazing" alongside the cows even though you know they are not getting much actual food value yet... but they are mimicking what the cows are doing...

Clouds are pretty heavy looking out there... looks like some showers long before they said.... UGH.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, home from all bottles etc this morning. Got in the 2 cow/calf pairs I needed at the nurse cow barn for DS to come get and move with the bull. One bull calf has not been banded or given a blackleg shot... the other one (a heifer) got done when he worked all the bigger calves 6-8 weeks ago. That would be 2 out of there, and with a bull. One has been exposed already, the other was not fresh when we pulled the bull out of there this early fall and moved the 5 heifers there that we did not want to breed. So, they both need to be out with big cows anyway, and the one is a bully... will just ram someone standing next to her for no good reason. Tired of her attitude. She is the one that we grafted the calf on and it had to be very determined to suck from the back in order to get enough for quite awhile. Since the cow did take it, DS says she needs a chance to have and raise her own calf next time... and I am okay with that even with her bully attitude. If she gets out with other mature big cows, maybe she will get shoved around a little too. Calf nurses from the side normally sometimes, and she is eating hay and all too, so moving them elsewhere will be best.
There is one more there with a new calf but neither come near the pen, if I get her in by chance in the next couple weeks, she also can go with a bull somewhere, but I suspect she will get held over and go to pasture with the spring calving cows and get bred back for a spring calf in 2025. This calf will just be a little bigger at weaning time the end of 2024. The calf is only about 2 weeks old now.

Texted DS and he said he would get back to me in about an hour... I guess he is planning to go to the barn to get in that other group, so we can work the calves and then move more to the pasture behind me here... I would like these 2 out of the nurse cow pasture if possible. It doesn't always work where not all the cows are up near the barn when I want to get someone in... but they both were there, plus only 3 others...the rest were over the hill at the other roll of hay... so not hard to get them into the barn with some grain in the bunk, then cut the other couple back out of the pen.
Also got in one of the 2 that need to be weaned and moved... she is less likely to come in since she is not as pushy and cannot fit through the creep gate, so she can stay in with the bottle calves and eat some hay and grain until I get the longhorn's steer in also. He is the PITA that goes over the gate into the baby calves and such... but he is getting to where he barely fits through the creep gate.. and if the longhorn is bred, she can calve as early as March.... since I never preg check her, she just stays there and does her thing... if for some reason she doesn't calve... and she does look preg... she will just stay around as a guardian animal for now. But that is not really a concern for me...I just need to get the gate jumping obnoxious steer calf out of there and he can go out with some other weaned calves DS is feeding. I am pretty sure Jess (the longhorn) has weaned him off anyway. She looks dry.

So, home, bottles washed. Went out and let the chickens out... the new shelter frame is very flimsy and it does not hold it's shape well... I have it tied down and frame tied off to some concrete 4" flat blocks (like the kind they use to top off some block work... wind really moves it around. I like the double door better on each end, and it is a little lower which I like too... WISH it had fit the other older heavier frame. Oh well, definitely will go with permanent rigid structures in the future... I have to just get this more securely tied down.... added some more weight today.

The smaller 1/2 greenhouse on the deck against the house is better for not catching the wind than the bigger one was... it is tied down good.... and is doing the job of keeping the spider plants and all in good shape so far. Every one of the frosted/frozen off pots of spider plants is sprouting from the roots... cannot believe they are doing so good about coming back to life. The cardboard on the deck is keeping the drafty air out of it. The heater keeps it 48-55 and then when the sun gets on it it gets really warm. I really need some barrels of water to soak up the heat from the sun during the day and passively release back into the air for awhile at night but there is not enough room in there with the 2 plant stands.

There is more sun than there was earlier, but that breeze is stiff and it is chilly out there. BRRRR


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got done right at dark... But it was a decent afternoon.

DS texted me and then called me... he got the cows and calves down out of the field across the driveway at doug's to the barn lot. But his father came by and so he was going to go eat some lunch with him... and could I go to the barn in about 15-20 minutes... take the feed and put in the bunk and get the cows in the one side of the barn... as soon as he got done eating he would be back. Said he'd only be 20 min or so... Well I know his 20 minutes... got the cows in the barn, gates shut. Sat in the car since it was so raw chilly out there. We got some more sun for a bit then it got cloudier again and was just cold.
Sorted out the 3 from yesterday that had not calved and another 3 or 4 without calves... DS said they found a dead calf that was torn apart and he thinks it was on a bought cow of mine... she is older, so if she is open at the vet check she will go... he thinks the coyotes got it... said it was either born dead and they scavenged it or they killed it... sorted 2 cows with calves that are PITA to get in and moved them out to the back field with some from yesterday... and then took the other 5 or 6 with calves, worked and shots for blackleg.. and brought them to the field "behind" my house. I had brought the bander, eartagger, and shot for the one at the nurse cow field that had not been done... we went up there, got it in the small head catch there, he banded it and tagged and gave it the shot... loaded the 2 cows and calves and took them across the road to the field behind my house... then I went to the house and made the bottles... Ran back up there and just got them done as it was getting dark. Still have the one heifer in the barn that is being weaned, and need to get the longhorn's steer calf in and they can go to doug's with other weaned calves and on feed. the heifer needs to be tagged and a shot also. The steer he did when he made him a steer... but I want her to like coming in for some grain and there is hay and water there for her... she will be fine for a day or 2.... if need be she can go back out, with the 2 bigger bullies out of there, she might come in for grain when I open the gate. She is so laid back that I took advantage of the situation and got her in earlier when she was close. I actually could ear tag her and give her a shot myself in the chute there... then move her whenever he gets to it with the others; several will be getting weaned off the cows when we preg check anyway. Her momma needs to be preg checked too.

So 2 big cows out of the nurse cow field and with a bull and other older mature cows.... Glad they are moved. Next is the smaller group at one pasture so he can stop hauling hay there, and then get in some of the heifers at the nurse cow place and get a preg check done so that we can get them situated and calves weaned and the next group in.

I am in for the night. Got split peas cooking with the ham bone I had and some bits of ham.... made some of the scallops I got the other day so they are done; warmed up some left over mashed potatoes.... I'm good for the night.

It is already down to 32 ... getting colder.... Flannel jeans for testing tomorrow... and chores....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed morning. It got down to 25 last night. See sun coming over the hill... have to go get the calves fed here in just a little bit, then see about unloading all the boxes of samples, get them packed and dropped off for UPS.

Brought home about 22 gal of milk from the sampler dumping, and needed another 5 gallon bucket... but this will stretch the milk replacer for a few days anyway. I am feeding out 5 gallon a day.... cutting the bigger calves a bit in the evening... but you figure a 2 qt bottle (1/2 gallon) per calf, per feeding... 6 calves..... so 6 gal a day....for full milk, ( the bigger ones are getting 1/2 rations at night now). I will cut it with the milk.... about 1 gallon of milk a feeding, so I don't mess them up, so 2 gallon a day, With it staying 20's at night and cold 40 during the day, it will keep pretty good. I will put as much in the cooler chests as I can with ice water, and feed out what I can't fit, first. With the upcoming forecast for this weekend, it will stay good for several days anyway.

Speaking of that, we are expecting a winter storm Saturday... starting late Fri night... all day Sat.... we are in the area that will be mostly snow by the looks of it. DS said that they are thinking 3-5 for the county and I think it will be more than that. One of my farms would normally test on Sat, but they also contract for the state to plow with their tractors... they are switching to milk on Friday... pending talking to their full time milker..... so I will test them Friday instead before it gets here. Have to call the other farm that was talking testing this week and see if he can do tomorrow, Thursday.... I could do him on Friday afternoon if not but would prefer to do him tomorrow afternoon and then Friday morning at the other one and then get everything here ready for the worst of the weather.
Just got off phone with other farmer... going to wait for next week... they have a post that has to be replaced under a roof before they have to deal with any snow weight... said I could come Thursday, but I told them that they could milk with one less person if they were working on the post situation, so didn't need me in there also... so we are putting it on the calendar for next Thursday... the 11th.... and we will talk Tues to confirm. That's fine with me.

DS wants me to go up and see if I can get the cows in at one pasture to get moved later this afternoon... I will go do that after noontime and see how it goes.

The flimsy frame on the new shelter is not holding up with the winds even being well staked and tied down.... with 5-10 mph breeze and some gusts it is not standing. Total disappointment. Going to contact them and see about returning. I like the cover but the frame is useless.... so unhappy it would not fit the sturdier frame I have.

Time to get the milk ready to head up the hill to the calves... get the milk in the house I need and get it warming up.... Then come back and get the other car unloaded from the samples and get them packed.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
The flimsy frame on the new shelter is not holding up with the winds even being well staked and tied down.... with 5-10 mph breeze and some gusts it is not standing. Total disappointment. Going to contact them and see about returning. I like the cover but the frame is useless.... so unhappy it would not fit the sturdier frame I have.

Could you put a 1X? or piece of conduit (whatever you have or is cheap) on the 4 corners attaching it to the bottom and 45 degree up and in to the next support then wire, screw, jerry rig it to the frame. That could take a lot of flex out. To go bottom corner to center top on a 45 you'd need a 14' piece if 10' tall and 20' long. 8' tall a 12' piece on a 40ish degree. But you could just go to the closer support and just make it as high as whatever the board is long.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@CLSranch .... I got to thinking about the frame, and my mind went in the direction of your suggestions. ..... and think I will go with something like PVC pipe to try to get it strengthened and all... I was sitting at the one pasture after I got those cows in, and got to thinking about all the different "hoop houses" that have pvc pipe... it would be worth the expense to just stick all the bending cheap frame right next to pvc pipe and try to strengthen it that way....a frame alongside the existing frame and then might just take the cheap stuff out.... Plus, frame out the bottom in pvc , since there is nothing across the front or back to even help hold it "square".... I can use the connectors that they make for pvc pipe for use with water.... T's and 45's, and 90's and all sorts of things... and they could be taken apart and used for other things if I wanted.... so will do some major measuring tomorrow and go spend some money to make it what I want.... worst case scenario I will be out the cost of the pvc... and we use that sort of stuff on the farm and all.... Thanks for the confirmation of my thoughts...

Calves were very glad to see me... The sun was out so the youngest twins got to stay out with the others. They seem to be doing pretty good... the little girl twins are going to the bunk and eating some now... they go to the flat black fortex pan, but I an seeing them going into the bunk now with the 2 older calves.... YAY.... the 2 youngest ones will be a bit I am sure before learning... but that is fine.

Worked on packing the samples, but time was getting short so I went to the pasture to get the cows/calves in that DS wanted to move... They came in with no big deal.... called DS and said that they were in, and he said he would be leaving work a little early and come get them. It had gotten cloudy when I was there and got colder/more raw feeling... He got there, and we loaded a group... the calves had chewed on a couple of baling strings that I had tied the pen to the posts... so a few got out...back into the field.... DS got all bent out of shape and I told him to just take the ones loaded... and then I would get the rest back in... they all could not go in one trip so he had to make 2 trips, anyway.... so after he left, I opened up 2 panels, put some more grain in the pen, and the ones that got out calmly came back in... and I tied it up better and let him know they were in... So, he came back, there weren't as many so he got them loaded, then he loaded the panels in the trailer along one side, and he brought them back to doug's and put them in the field with the ones that will get preg checked, since they have to get checked and the calves weaned off...

I came home, got the bottles made and went to the calves. It was after 4:30... and really raw.....cold...... went up, got the calves sorted around and fed bottles... the heifer twins were nosing in the bunk with the bigger 2 calves when I was feeding the last set of twins... got them in the hay side for the night. There is a 20% chance of some snow flurries....easier for them to "have to stay in" just in case.... came home, got another gallon of milk ready to warm up for tomorrow.... locked in the chickens and I am in for the night.

I put the split pea soup back on the burner; it was really thick so added some more water and have it heating/cooking again. I just pulled a small bowl and it is a little thin but tastes pretty darn good... it will cook down a little bit again... the ham bone is still in there to cook a bit more... good to get the marrow cooked out into the soup too... I haven't made split pea soup in years.... don't know why not... is sure tastes good... will do another ham on a cold day again , and then make some more again.... Maybe Saturday..... I really like split pea soup so will have enough to get to the "sick of it stage" with another ham done.... and I will freeze some to have to take out and warm up also. I'm going to get another bowl in a bit I think... my stomach got to growling while waiting on him to come back to get the 2nd load of cattle... I was really hungry.

Trying to do like @Mini Horses and eat more out of the freezer... I did get a spiral ham (precooked) from Kroger's on special just before Christmas... $.99 lb (was about 3.99 or something regularly) but only 1 allowed per customer with their card... I didn't get back to get any more another day... but did get 2 decent hams at Walmart marked down to 1.29/lb... have to cook them but that's okay... makes ham for sandwiches too.... I need to make some freezer space so didn't get more hams... I also never found the turkey deal she got... since I have so many chickens in the freezer it wasn't the end of the world.

Temps are already down to 38 at 6:30....

I didn't get the samples sent out since I went to get the cows in, so will finish getting them boxed/strapped up, and send out tomorrow. I have to go get milk replacer so will just swing by and drop them at the UPS store... after I do calves and all in the morning. Need to get grain for the calves too.... Not doing anything else special except the measuring for the PVC pipe for the frame... That will take up a good amount of time when I get it all measured, then pick up what I need and come home to put it together... Then if I need anything else, I can get it on the way home Friday morning from testing and get set for the snow....

One channel is saying 3-5, just heard 6 inches or more....will see what the news says late this evening.

Just a second small bowl... it really is nice and great to help get over this remenant of the cold bug. Still coughing a bit and lots of loose stuff... blowing nose alot still... feel okay overall....

I'm going in to get the last few samples in the box and get them strapped up to go out tomorrow. Making a list of things that need doing....