Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Have known the guy for 40 years that i have lived here... he will do me right...They won't be cheap... he was getting $30? a piece for the ones at the swap... and @Mini Horses and @canesisters can tell you how pretty his "culls" were.... Surprising, Buff color pattern is a hard color pattern to breed due to not getting the brassiness; and getting the buff color even overall. Then you add in the type...
I had SC light brown leghorns for many years, years ago and liked them... but that is another hard color to breed.... There isn't alot of call for white eggs here, but I want to breed what I want now... and eggs all taste the same in my kitchen anyway...
Plus I really want the New Hampshires again... great brown eggs... I really want to start to enjoy my poultry before I get too old to do so.... and there are some others I would like... getting the perimeter fence up is going to be part of this... and getting some "housing" that will keep out the varmints... and I am going whole heartedly into the trapping all these PITA possums and coons that do so much damage. Using the electric netting to be able to utilize them in the garden for cleanup and adding manure to the soil... and then rotating them out of it...
YES!!!! Those birds were the most amazing golden color! Perfectly even all over & not a feather out of place. 🥰 Just beautiful.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Morning... wet wet soaking wet morning.... 65 to start and it is raining... it has rained, some hard rains, with thunder over night. I went out and checked the rain gauge and we already have had 1.6 inches.. I did not dump it since it was still raining... The radar shows that it is supposed to slow down and stop for a couple hours after 10-11 a.m. More working it's way here after 3-4 this afternoon.
Don't want to complain as this is going to really get the ground water replenished... but we have had a whole month's rain in the last 10 days.... NOT counting what is already in the rain gauge I haven't dumped... or what is supposed to come from the hurricane that is coming ashore in FL later today and working it's way up the middle of the country....
Feast or Famine.....

Farm called and cancelled... said it was just a muddy mess there this morning... rescheduled for next Thurs/Fri... That's fine. I am going to take the meters down to the farm that wants to borrow them, today, instead of waiting for tomorrow... and then can get them back in order to go test on Monday. I will put some hoses in the car to take to the farm also... I used all the short ones the other day and need some longer ones for this farm. If it let's up a bit like it is looking, I will go out and load them and then drop them off. They are only 2 miles or so down the road...

DS needs to do some "temp" work on the roof of the shed down at his house on the farm he has near the ex's house. He was concerned a little about no one there with the ladder, so now I can go help him. He is going to re-roof it I think and it needs to have some other wood supporting uprights replaced before it becomes a real "disaster"... now that he has some time to do some of this, he is planning that for this fall/winter. But he wants to get this roof "fixed" for now, before we get anymore rain...

Going to do some "housekeeping" today I guess....

I went up to the nurse cow pasture last evening after we were done with all the cow moving... SOOOOOO GLAD we got them all moved around before the heavier rain last night. Especially getting the hay in the fields.
Of course, all the calves came in the creep gate in the catch pen at the nurse cow pasture... but DS said his knee was aching after all the "cow working" stuff, and it was after 6 when we got finished.... so no way were we going to be moving the calves to the barn last night and getting them worked... The good thing is, they are all coming in for the grain... so in the next week ought to be able to get them in to get them worked... bulls banded and all get the blackleg shots and get them ear tagged. Their mother's need to be preg checked too, but would like to get them ear tagged so I know who belongs to who for sure... I know a couple of them... but there are 2 heifers that I could not tell you who their mother is unless they are sucking... so eartags are essential to be sure who goes to who... This way, if we move anyone anywhere, I need to be sure that the right one goes with it's mom.

So, I am going to go in and do the dishes, and then if the rain let's up a little, will go out and get the hoses in the car and run them down to the farm. Then wait for DS to call when he wants to go do the roof... Looks like the rain is slowing/stopping out there now...

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