Overrun with beasties
With the grain prices going up, I am looking for some ways to save money, while still feeding enough to keep on weight - (not trying to be cheap, I just want to not spend an arm and a leg on grain, and still have them not in the shape I would like!)
I have 10 goats (for now!).
What I'm feeding now to maintain (per goat/day):
Milkmaker 16%:
Does, 5 months-1 year: about 2 cups
Doe, not producing, a little over a year: 1 cup (she a little chubby)
Does, producing and bred, over 1.5 years: 4-6ish cups (depends on how much they want to eat while milking.)
They all will also get beatpulp in the winter. (horses get it, so I make extra for the goats as well)
All the does are NubianX, LamanchaX, and Saanen or SaanenX.
Sheep pellets(with the Ammonium chloride)
Buck, Nubian/Lamancha, under 1 year: 2-3 cups
Buck, Saanen, 6 years: 4-5cups (this guy is a skinny, needs something extra)
For hay:
Good quality horse hay (don't know what's in it, sorry).
Does, Under 2 years, not producing: about 1/2 flake per goat, some browse.
Bucks: 2-4 flakes between them, and a weedy pasture.
The "milkers" as I call them, get as much as they can eat without wasting it (usually about 2 flakes per goat/day), also have pasture. All of the milkers look perfect.
The 4 younger girls are a little underweight (not deathly, I just like a slightly fat goat! Most people would probably say they look OK), very healthy looking rumens.
The yearling is a little overweight (not obese, just a little fatter than I would like). Nice rumen as well.
The older buck has a huge rumen, but definitely skinny (I've only had him for 2 months, he came this way, though he has put some weight on).
The younger buck is perfect.
Now my questions:
A lot of people have recommended the black oil sunflower seeds...How much affect does that have, and what exactly does it do (other than a better coat)?
Also, my neighbor said to mix in whole oats. Talking to the feed store people, logic is- it should add fat, but only if they aren't high energy animals (mine are not).
If I add those to their grain, will I have to feed as much to maintain?
Also, is there anything else you guys feed, that seems to add some extra, without breaking the budget?
(note: only the non-producers and bucks will get the mix. My milkers are picky, and will only eat the milkmaker pellets...Trust me, I tried to change their grain, and they all snuffed it! They HATE molasses in a greater amount)
Thanks in advance!
I have 10 goats (for now!).
What I'm feeding now to maintain (per goat/day):
Milkmaker 16%:
Does, 5 months-1 year: about 2 cups
Doe, not producing, a little over a year: 1 cup (she a little chubby)
Does, producing and bred, over 1.5 years: 4-6ish cups (depends on how much they want to eat while milking.)
They all will also get beatpulp in the winter. (horses get it, so I make extra for the goats as well)
All the does are NubianX, LamanchaX, and Saanen or SaanenX.
Sheep pellets(with the Ammonium chloride)
Buck, Nubian/Lamancha, under 1 year: 2-3 cups
Buck, Saanen, 6 years: 4-5cups (this guy is a skinny, needs something extra)
For hay:
Good quality horse hay (don't know what's in it, sorry).
Does, Under 2 years, not producing: about 1/2 flake per goat, some browse.
Bucks: 2-4 flakes between them, and a weedy pasture.
The "milkers" as I call them, get as much as they can eat without wasting it (usually about 2 flakes per goat/day), also have pasture. All of the milkers look perfect.
The 4 younger girls are a little underweight (not deathly, I just like a slightly fat goat! Most people would probably say they look OK), very healthy looking rumens.
The yearling is a little overweight (not obese, just a little fatter than I would like). Nice rumen as well.
The older buck has a huge rumen, but definitely skinny (I've only had him for 2 months, he came this way, though he has put some weight on).
The younger buck is perfect.
Now my questions:
A lot of people have recommended the black oil sunflower seeds...How much affect does that have, and what exactly does it do (other than a better coat)?
Also, my neighbor said to mix in whole oats. Talking to the feed store people, logic is- it should add fat, but only if they aren't high energy animals (mine are not).
If I add those to their grain, will I have to feed as much to maintain?
Also, is there anything else you guys feed, that seems to add some extra, without breaking the budget?
(note: only the non-producers and bucks will get the mix. My milkers are picky, and will only eat the milkmaker pellets...Trust me, I tried to change their grain, and they all snuffed it! They HATE molasses in a greater amount)
Thanks in advance!