Chillin' with the herd
I have a doe that already has 2 strikes. One, because she is an attack doe with a terrible personality. Two, because with her first litter she stomped them to death on the 2nd day. I bred her again, thinking first litter many does will lose. She delivered today. One on the wire, a bloody blob that I am not sure what it is, and something squiggling in the nestbox. I am afraid that if I try to check, she will go in there and stomp them (it). If I try to take her out, she runs and will surely stomp. I have 2 other does that also delivered today. One has 6 and one has four. The 6 is a first timer and the 4 has had one other litter and raised all 5. My question is do I remove the kits now and give them to one of the other does and cull old meanie pants? Or do I let her try again and just don't bother her about it. Sorry this is so long!