Do y'all let your pigs out on pasture? Is it better for them? or just to keep em in a small fenced up area? Im a little new to pigs and was wondering what would be best for them.
Both schools of thought grow out pigs. However, ask yourself if you would be happy in a small dirt lot with out anything but the food and water provided. I know I wouldn't. I can't help but believe that it makes a difference in the quality of your (their) end product. I prefer to provide a happy, healthy, stress free environment and provide as much space as possible to all my animals. Not everyone has acres of pasture available, I don't. So I strike a balance. Two pigs in about 1600sq/ft. Lots of natural vegetation, an oak tree, a wallow and their pallet 'house'. I feed a measured grower/calf manna blend plus 3 hard boiled eggs each per day (one in the morning, 2 in the evening) as their base ration, plus table scraps, fridge clear outs etc. During the day they munch on some grass and roots/grubs and sleep, a lot. They are very happy and thriving, not testing the fence (it's electric and they learned already). I have had them about a week now and they are coming to me and getting OK with contact from me. Which is important because I plan to AI breed the female. She loves flank scratching!
Next door to me are the last of their siblings. They are in a 16x6 pen. Four of them. They are terrified and certainly unhappy in the small space....testing the fence and quite vocal. I wish I could have taken more of them
So, obviously in my opinion and limited experience it is best to 'pasture' or at least give them plenty of room and natural foliage and features to keep them busy, exploring and engaged in their immediate environment.
LOL! All animals are happier on pasture BUT if you are going to pasture pigs then make sure you get a breed that grazes NOT roots.
We had hamps once & they rototilled a section of our pasture. NEVER AGAIN! Have also raised GOS, Red Wattles & Large Blacks finding the Large Blacks to be the best grazers. There are other breeds too that are good on grass. It is so nice to go out & watch the pigs grazing alongside the cows AND they are SO much happier. Not to mention the meat is better!