Well, I know someone who has an alpine that feeds the same stuff we do. And her milk just does not seem as rich or sweet or *something*. Can't place my finger on it but there is a distinct (and not pleasant) difference. This nanny is due to kid in February and I was thinking of getting a doeling if she has one but not if this milk flavor difference is a breed thing.... :/
I've always been told / read that Nubian milk is the best, because of higher butterfat content...but since we milk multiple breeds into one bucket, I can't swear to it.
I do know the milk tastes...different....when I'm milking the Toggs.
I've never met an Alpine I liked the personality of...so have never had their milk.
(Not saying there aren't some lovely ones out there...I'm sure there are...It's just that *I* haven't met one...)