Chillin' with the herd
ok Marta is fussy....too damn fussy for her own good. As its winter and she is pregs (I think) I have cut the grain down....barley. from 3 handfulls 2x per day to 1.5 handfulls 2x per day, she gets her squash and pumpkin thats about 2 small bowlfuls per day plus all her supplements ie minerals baking soda and salt etc, pea hay and long stemmed hey (she does not seem to eat much of that) but I noticed she was loosing weight.
she started the winter at about a scale 2.5 with nice fat covering her spine etc. but now she seems to be a 1.5,
I mentioned this to a friend on Christmas eve and he came back with a big bag of soya powder with all the vitamins you could hope for + calcium etc (I recon its milk re-placer) but anyway this farmer gave all his animals this and they are very healthy.
Anyway I have worked up to 1 table spoon in 400 mls of warm water 2x daily. and I give it about an hour before I give the grain in the thought that soya is 34 % crude protein and my mind works on this theory that if I gave it at the same time as the barley the DP would come right down. is this correct ???????
and am I ok to feed what I think is milk re-placer to a 10 month doe?
I want it for the vitamins and extra protein and calcium as there is very little chance of getting anything else.
she started the winter at about a scale 2.5 with nice fat covering her spine etc. but now she seems to be a 1.5,
I mentioned this to a friend on Christmas eve and he came back with a big bag of soya powder with all the vitamins you could hope for + calcium etc (I recon its milk re-placer) but anyway this farmer gave all his animals this and they are very healthy.
Anyway I have worked up to 1 table spoon in 400 mls of warm water 2x daily. and I give it about an hour before I give the grain in the thought that soya is 34 % crude protein and my mind works on this theory that if I gave it at the same time as the barley the DP would come right down. is this correct ???????
and am I ok to feed what I think is milk re-placer to a 10 month doe?
I want it for the vitamins and extra protein and calcium as there is very little chance of getting anything else.