Give Me the Deets!


Just born
Apr 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

So, I am new here, and I am really interested in eventually getting some goats. I know literally nothing....:hide but can't wait to learn! I will have lots of questions for all you goat experts.. starting with housing.

1) Are goats sensitive to any type of material? (ex. cedar)

2) How many square feet indoor and outdoor per goat? (I think I would get little ones to start like a pygmy)

3)What are their houses like? Would they have a door, such as chickens have their own little door? (Yes, i know nothing) Also vetilation, windows, lighting, bedding, etc... Are they in anyway similar to a chicken coop? (structure wise, my coop is a shed from lowes fixed with all the necessities)

4) Do they need toys or somthing to keep them busy?

5) I live in Canada, so that means cold winters. Do I need to supply the goats with anything special?

6) What type of fencing would I use? How high? Can you go without electric?

7) Can you please show me your goat house pics?! :D

Thats all for now!
Thanks for all your help!
A BYH newbie,


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
NW Ohio
:welcome I'm new to goats too but have learned a lot from all the wonderful people on here.. you should repost this on...everything else goats... more people will see it.. good luck


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Congratulations on your decision to get goats! Take a little bit of time to decide what you want them for.
Pygmies are great companions and have the added benefit of being able to provide meat and a moderate amount of milk.
If you wanted more milk, you could go with a Nigerian Dwarf and still have a small goat the size of a pygmy.

1) Are goats sensitive to any type of material? (ex. cedar)
I wouldn't use cedar shavings...generally used for bedding is straw, pine shavings or wasted hay.

2) How many square feet indoor and outdoor per goat? (I think I would get little ones to start like a pygmy)
4 pygmies will be comfortable in an 8 foot x 10 foot area

3)What are their houses like? Would they have a door, such as chickens have their own little door? (Yes, i know nothing) Also vetilation, windows, lighting, bedding, etc... Are they in anyway similar to a chicken coop? (structure wise, my coop is a shed from lowes fixed with all the necessities)
I like "dutch doors" that way you can leave the bottom open for the goats and open the top when you want to go in and out.
Ventilation is a must but don't allow it to become drafty
Windows should be well above the goat's reach so they cannot headbutt the glass and break it...or frame out windows and cover with hardware cloth and add closeable shutters
Lighting is a plus and mainly for the human's benefit
I would recommend a platform or bench or them to sleep on...bedding material covered in question 1
There are many people who simply provide their goats with doghouses for shelter.

4) Do they need toys or somthing to keep them busy?
Stuff to climb on and jump off can get pretty creative and be simplistic here.
Old tires upright and half buried...
Large wooden electrical spools...
an old picnic table...

5) I live in Canada, so that means cold winters. Do I need to supply the goats with anything special?
A draft free shelter and stuff to bed shouldn't heat (what would happen if you lost electricity)...insulation is up to you but not necessary if their shelter is draft free

6) What type of fencing would I use? How high? Can you go without electric?
I use 5 foot high woven wire. I do not use electric.
Each person has their own needs based on their environment regarding this. If you have area predators that may be a problem and don't have a LGD, then you may want to add electric wire too.

7) Can you please show me your goat house pics?!
I'm in the middle of a rebuild right now...