Ridin' The Range
I tell you I am about to change Miss Holly's name. Holly sounds like a sweet little doeling right. Yea she isn't. The day before she ate her bottle well. She seemed to enjoy it. Yesterday she ate pretty well in the morning only. Then she got loose in the garden. Now all she wants is the garden and weeds and hay and is refusing the bottle all together. Oh and try to catch her to try to feed her. There are some sore muscles and a rump today. She was kicking up her heals and running like a little speed demon last night. ( should never have let my youngest son name her Hot Wheels Holly, she is living up to it) So let her out this morning and she goes straight to the hay. I try to bottle feed her and she actually butted me, then darts through my legs and off to the hay again. Then off to browse. She eats almost non stop which is probably why she doesn't want the stupid bottle but she is only 5 weeks now.
I am going to weigh her again today. If she is gaining then I may stop pushing this bottle thing. Seems like she is ready to wean me off the bottle feeding. Onery goat.
So if she doesn't much care for grain what all should I give her to make sure she is balanced. She has TONs of forage. She gets a choice of the horse hay and a flake of pure alfalfa. I was giving her goat pellets but she really has almost no interest. She will eat a little bit of sweet feed but I only give her a small handful of that. She never finishes it. I gave her apple yesterday. She really enjoyed the apple. Not sure what all from the garden or the kitchen I can supplement feed wise with. I would assume most fruits would be ok?
I am going to weigh her again today. If she is gaining then I may stop pushing this bottle thing. Seems like she is ready to wean me off the bottle feeding. Onery goat.
So if she doesn't much care for grain what all should I give her to make sure she is balanced. She has TONs of forage. She gets a choice of the horse hay and a flake of pure alfalfa. I was giving her goat pellets but she really has almost no interest. She will eat a little bit of sweet feed but I only give her a small handful of that. She never finishes it. I gave her apple yesterday. She really enjoyed the apple. Not sure what all from the garden or the kitchen I can supplement feed wise with. I would assume most fruits would be ok?