We have a 6 month old pygmy goat with a very unusual skin condition. Her skin is very dry, tough almost like leather-it covers her entire skin from head to toe, it is hard for her to move freely. Her hair is not falling out except around her nose and ears. Her skin is rigid, when we first got her at 5 months she got sick with an upper respiratory infection and was treated initially with penicillin then when she got worse tetracycline. During this time when we were giving her shots was when we noticed her skin condition. We could not pinch her skin to give her shots. Once we cleared up the infection we had her skin looked at and the doctor said it was a fungal infection and we treated her for 2 weeks with Griseofulvin 5ml/aday. Well she is somewhat better with more movement to her skin but still very scaly and rough. We have been brushing her everyother day trying to break up the scaling but she just does not seem alot better. She is eating very well- seems that is her comfort but does not play around like our other pygmy. She looks terrible and we have been putting bag balm on the exposed skin on her face and her tail web. Do you have any suggestions to soften her skin and make her more comfortable. Thanks.