Loving the herd life
Hi all. I've been locking up the goat kids at night and milking in the morning. The kids are almost 4 months old now and they are 99% weaned but they still nurse in the morning when I let them out after milking, they run to mom and nurse for a second before running off to play or eat. They don't nurse very much at all, but enough that she is still holding back milk and I can't get her to milk out all the way in the morning. Locking the kids up every night is getting very old. I'd like to get an udder support for her so I don't have to lock the kids up anymore. I'm hoping breaking that routine/habit of nursing when they are let out in the morning will make the difference and once she starts letting down all her milk for me and the kids are weaned then I can remove it. Anyway, I'm looking for an udder support but can't afford the $50+ from Hoegger or Caprine Supply. Does anyone know of a less expensive option, or have a sewing pattern or something so I can make it myself?