I co -own An Experimental doe- 75% Alpine 25% Lamancha- she looks just like an Alpine. bad like on too!
Technically I could breed her to a reg Alpine Buck and get American Alpines
We may however go in the opposite direction and breed her to one of our Lamancha bucks next year... she would go backwards (well her kids would not her LOL) if we keep those kids then we would breed them to one of our other Lamancha Bucks and eventually end up with American Alpines.
She is bred for mini's this year... I think she will have a single though.
My best goat (of three) is an alpine. My clown goat is also an alpine. My goodness, Ollie can make my blood boil but I wouldn't trade that Butt head of a wether for nothin'! Their milk, the lines I bought from I tested the milk from first, was sweet and I really liked it. I love me the Nubian milk though! And the SNubian milk I have tasted I suggest asking to try some of the milk from the lines you plan on buying from. Usually the people don't mind. It will give you an idea of what you are getting @BlessedWithGoats I am glad I tested the breeds I did. Best advice I was given by anyone on how to pick a breed right for me