We recently put a deposit down on 3 Boer wethers, and will bring them home on April 6th at 12 weeks old. My property is set up for horses and cattle, and does not currently have "goat proof" fencing. The breeder advised me that since these are destined to be 4-H Market Goat projects, that ideally, I want them somewhat confined and not on acres of pasture. Since this is our first year with goats as a project, we DEFINITELY want to keep it CHEAP, and do not want any additional expenses beyond feed and show collars. I have clippers, and am borrowing a stand.
So, back to fencing - I have 2 options on hand:
A.) Wrap my horse's 70' round pen with leftover 4' tall woven wire no-climb fencing.
B.) Build a new electric fence enclosure for the goats using wood end posts and step-in line posts. I have everything I need - posts, wire, insulators, charger... My dilemma is that the wires will be spaced dependent on the step-in posts built in insulators - so spaced like this: http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/step-in-poly-fence-post-48-in?cm_vc=-10005
Is that enough to keep them in? ***Forgot to mention*** I also have miles of GOOD 1 1/2" tape that carries a huge shock with the charger. I can alternate that tape with the galvanized smooth wire if needed for a more "visual" barrier and a more challenging barrier to them sticking their heads thru. Also, I have a well trained/experienced Anatolian, so predators are not a concern. She was raised with Dorper Sheep until a year old before coming to my horses and cattle, so I am assuming she will accept the goats without issue.
So, back to fencing - I have 2 options on hand:
A.) Wrap my horse's 70' round pen with leftover 4' tall woven wire no-climb fencing.
B.) Build a new electric fence enclosure for the goats using wood end posts and step-in line posts. I have everything I need - posts, wire, insulators, charger... My dilemma is that the wires will be spaced dependent on the step-in posts built in insulators - so spaced like this: http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/step-in-poly-fence-post-48-in?cm_vc=-10005
Is that enough to keep them in? ***Forgot to mention*** I also have miles of GOOD 1 1/2" tape that carries a huge shock with the charger. I can alternate that tape with the galvanized smooth wire if needed for a more "visual" barrier and a more challenging barrier to them sticking their heads thru. Also, I have a well trained/experienced Anatolian, so predators are not a concern. She was raised with Dorper Sheep until a year old before coming to my horses and cattle, so I am assuming she will accept the goats without issue.
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