my goats are retarded then , or someone didn't give them the memo on goats not liking water mine run at the water hose and play in it.
Kuzco my buck will only do this with my husband and head butt him when he tried it with me I turned when he didn't expect it and I screamed a horrible sounding scream and shook my hands and waved like craze he looked at me turned his head side ways so he could see me better and turned around and went the other direction.
Maybe he thought I lost my mind? lol
He hasn't tested me since, but my husband.........well lol
I feel bad for him he has bruises on his shin, on his hip and even a few months ago got rammed in the bottom and had a bruise on his bum.
I really think he tests my husband more cause my husband is very passive and baby talks Kuzco rather than showing him who is boss.
I had to quit using a spray bottle with my buck because he took it as I was trying to start a pi$$ing contest and he sprayed me back!!!! NOT COOL!!! The water hose still works on him and I haven't tried a super soaker but your run of the mill spray bottle (one that you can make a long steady stream) did not work for me. I finally broke down and attached a teather to a fence post and when I have to go out into the goat pasture I teather him.