Bred my Californian May 29th. I checked her a few days ago and didn't feel any movement so I figured she didn't take. Went out this morning and had 8 little ones in the litter box(?). This is my first litter, hopefully she'll be a good Mom.
That's common with first time mothers. Don't give up though, her next litter should go along a lot more smoothly. My Holland's first litter (and my first ever litter of rabbits), she had 7 babies, which is a lot for a Hollands, they all died within 3 days. We tried holding the mother down to try to get the babies to nurse and we even hand fed one for 3 days. Her next litter she had 3 babies and was a good mom. Third time she had 8 babies and was an excellent mom, all survived and are 9 weeks old, all have been sold except for one, who by the way just won Best Of Her Class today at a local fair. But, anyways, sorry for your loss of the litter. Next litter should go along better.Myke said:well, it's been a disappointing few days. All eight kits expired. Not sure what went wrong. It has been in the high 80's to low 90's, then we got a hail storm and temps dropped into low 70's, I don't think that would have caused them to die. It was her first litter, any ideas why all 8 would die within 3 days?
Since she has no babies, how long should I wait before breeding her again?