Chillin' with the herd
I'm starting my meat production herd. I have an Am Chin buck, and I also have a Sable x Am Chin doe that suffered an eye injury in the nestbox, she was about 10 days old. She's now 11 weeks old, seems completely fine, but I am concerned that her eye will cause issues in the future. The eye isn't completely removed, it's like the top layer was torn/crushed, leaving a kind of nub in her eye socket. It's still moist, no swelling/infection, but I'm worried it will become infected because it's still open and moist. My gut reaction is to want to flush it with an antibiotic and seal that sucker up so that it won't become a problem for her (or me!) down the line. What do you think? Ever have a situation like this, and how did you solve it? Thanks!