Herd Master
We recently had two chickens missing and had found a hole in the fence that we couldn't explain we fixed it and had just assumed it was the stray dogs running lose (pack of four medium to small in size). Anyways this morning I am looking out the window, then the goats bunch up watching something, the chickens are running away from the fence the ducks and everything is doing the same and what should I see a gray fox the last animal II want shoot..... Is there any way to deal with him that doesn't involve shooting him.... If I trap him its not like I can not relocate him.. We live in the county and obviously wildlife part of it (i realize he wants a meal but I want my animals for my family). I just prefer not to kill him for eating but my husband says since he now knows about our love stock he be back and he won't stop until he figures how to get in. By the time I got my gun out and ran outside he was gone I assume either the dog or the goose scared him(I doubt goose but my husband thinks its possible, (had ducklings hatch and she protecting the momma duck and babies from everyone, )). Thoughts??