If you have time I prefer hand feeding because they well get bigger then if you free choice. Because with free choice there's feed around all the time so eating a lot is not important to the pigs,but with hand feeding they well be want feed and well eat all the feed and more trying to eat there pen mates feed because they don't know when they well get fed next. Also when there young feed boiled eggs but when there close to slaughter put them on a diet so the get leaner and stay the weight you want
Ya I should have a good plenty of eggs from my hens and hopefully me and few of the guys I'm raising one for will have plenty of garden stuff by the end of summer and fall time. That's what I was sort of thinking feed wise, kind of like a dog, if it's always got a bowl of food they will just east a little here and there but if you feed them a measured amount like I used to with my hound dogs they'd eat it all as fast as they could and try to get the others if they could reach it
I'm rather enjoying these pigs, I have them tamed down quite a lot compared to how they were at first, they were deathly afraid of people because the folks we got them from don't bother with getting to know their feeder pigs since they're going to be sold off or sent to butcher anyways, but I'm of the mind that even though they are just feeder pigs I'd rather have friendly pigs than skittish pigs especially since I'm sure they are destined to defeat the fence at some point and I figure a friendly feed motivated pig will be easier to catch than a terrified pig
I had my pigs in a 100'x70' pen (my garden) fenced in 2"x4"x4' non climb horse wire. They never got out. I had bought electric wire set up, but took it back. The man we bought them from had huge sows in some really crappy pens that they could have got out of if they wanted, but they didn't , go figure.
Have a special treat that your pigs like, if they do get out, shaking a coffee can of treats will bring them running. And have a special call for them when you have treats. The boiled eggs would be a good treat.
My pigs could get out if they wanted. But they don't. I keep pairs in a 32x32 and move it as they tear it up. They enjoy it. Plenty of fresh goods to eat, they get slops and feed.