We feed mixed grass to the bucks and open does, alfalfa/mixed grass to the pregnant and lactating does.
We also stockpile pasture in the fall and the goats have something to brouse on through the winter, unless the snow sticks around for days which it rarely does here.
Right now we are feeding 1st cutting orchard grass, but they still have some pasture. Many are 2 to 2 1/2 bred There are some stemy parts that they don't eat and I rack it up and put in their huts for bedding, so stemy it almost looks like straw, but there I would say 80% of it is tender grass hay. They love it, It does have a little less protein than a 2nd or 3rd cutting.
We will be switching to 2nd or 3 rd cutting orchard grass/timothy for the remainder of their gestation as the pasture becomes thinner for the winter and possibly snowed on.
then as they start kidding we will add a pound or two of alfalfa hay per doe to their daily diet of grass hay. They will get all the grass hay(2nd or 3rd cutting orchard/timothy) they want to eat and some alfalfa hay daily unti they are weaned. Then they will go back on grass hay, possibly even 1st cutting for the does while they dry off.
Does are also fed some grain while nursing.
The kids will continue to get the 2nd and 3rd cutting grass hay but are also on full creepfeed. Sometimes I will give them a little alfalfa hay if I have some left over from when they were nursing, I don't find that it keeps real well, so I go ahead and use it up.
We feed no hay in the summer months when we have pasture.