Chillin' with the herd
Long time member of BYC but now that we have had Nigerian Dwarf goats for a couple years now and going to be kidding the first time this March figured it was time to join this group too!!! We ar every excited, we have 3 females Zoey, Lemon and Cinnamon and our buck Wade! (Anyone ever watched Heart of Dixie?! My girls have
) Any advice or links to good threads on kidding would be much appreciated!
One other thing I could use some help on...we have been spending the past 2 years trying to name our homestead! We hatch and sell chickens and eggs too and this year I’m going to get into breeding more specific breeds. With all we have going on figured it’s time to join Facebook so we can advertise more that Craigslist. I’m wanting something easy for someone to look up when I tell them but unique. Some ideas but nothings sticking yet...and I need to make sure it’s not taken!
Cluck-N-Goats Homestead...I think cluck n goats is taken...
Brownstown Cluck-n-Goats
Hillside Cluck-n-Goats.
Sunnyhill Cluck-n-Goats
Sunnie Hill Homestead- sunnie was our first rooster and we now have a cat named sunny
Henryville Hillside Homestead
Henryville Hatching N Kidding
We built our house on top of a huge hill and the animals are all at the bottom of the hillside
The city we live in is Henryville
We live in Indiana
We live on Brownstown Road
Long time member of BYC but now that we have had Nigerian Dwarf goats for a couple years now and going to be kidding the first time this March figured it was time to join this group too!!! We ar every excited, we have 3 females Zoey, Lemon and Cinnamon and our buck Wade! (Anyone ever watched Heart of Dixie?! My girls have

One other thing I could use some help on...we have been spending the past 2 years trying to name our homestead! We hatch and sell chickens and eggs too and this year I’m going to get into breeding more specific breeds. With all we have going on figured it’s time to join Facebook so we can advertise more that Craigslist. I’m wanting something easy for someone to look up when I tell them but unique. Some ideas but nothings sticking yet...and I need to make sure it’s not taken!
Cluck-N-Goats Homestead...I think cluck n goats is taken...
Brownstown Cluck-n-Goats
Hillside Cluck-n-Goats.
Sunnyhill Cluck-n-Goats
Sunnie Hill Homestead- sunnie was our first rooster and we now have a cat named sunny
Henryville Hillside Homestead
Henryville Hatching N Kidding
We built our house on top of a huge hill and the animals are all at the bottom of the hillside
The city we live in is Henryville
We live in Indiana
We live on Brownstown Road