Chillin' with the herd
I just found this forum and think its a good idea to share ideas. Take bits and pieces of yarn from others and weave a sweater that is a good fit for you. A little about us its me and my city boy husband that I trasplanted here 4 years ago when we got hitched. We live in central Kansas a spot on the map. Thiis farm was a dairy up until 1997 I grew up here and after the cows help put me thru college my folks wanted to slow up a bit. They have both since passed in the last few years so we run the place now. We started with 5 boer cross does and now we have 50 head of does. We raised 30 some bottle lambs in 2008 and decided to try a few sheep now we have bout 45 ewes of different breeding. 1 retired broodmare that neede a home. 1 riding mare that is a former roping horse. 5 adult donkey of various colors and sizes 2 colts from the Jennies. 3 LGDs. 2 watusis and 5 bottle calves. We have a few chickens and numerous barn cats and house dogs. Oh how could I forget my girls have 14 dairy does alpines, nubians, lamanchas and olberhalsis. That we either milk or have kids on. So we try to keep ourselves busy. Would like to hear from others around have one facebook friend that raises Veld goats in South Africa. That's all I can think of right now. We are also a safe loving home for about any animal that needs one.