Overrun with beasties
Please help me out! I’ve only been milking my goats for about 2 months, and I’m having a rough go at it. I must be doing something wrong!
Goat#1 : developed a hard mass in one udder overnight. The soft/normal side dropped significantly in production, and on the hard side I could only get a few squirts of yellowish milk out, milked several times throughout the day, down to nothing coming out by evening, but mass was still there. Positive mastitis strip test on the little bit I could get out earlier in the day, she had a fever, and spent about 18 hours off her feed. Lengthy massages and rubbing Dynamint on it several times a day (we are organic due to our human family health concerns/sensitivities) and eventually got the swelling down so her udder was soft again on both sides. Production still ZERO on the previously hard side, back to normal production on the other side within about 6 days. (2F but first time being milked) I decided to dry her off because who wants to milk one teat... but THEN...
Goat #2 about a week and a half later, exact same thing, but opposite teats. She had a fever but did not go off her food. Currently on day 4 or so, her fever is gone but her udder still has the mass in it, and I cannot for the life of me get ANYTHING out of that teat! Production in the “good” teat now increased to about half of normal. (Goat #2 is FF and Goat#1’s daughter)
ME, Human#1: 3 days ago, I developed mastitis on one side. I am/was breastfeeding my 18mo old daughter. Never had mastitis before now, and it has me wondering if there is something contagious taking out half the teats in my herd, especially because...
Goat#3 Presented last night with a mass in one udder, low fever, sudden drop in production. I’m able to get a small amount of milk from the “bad” teat (for now, expecting that to be done with soon considering the previous 2). (Goat #3 2F/1st time Milker and is Goat#1’s sister...
Is something wrong with their bedding? Could it be a milk handling issue? Is mastitis contagious or possibly even viral? Could they be eating too much calcium or something?
Also, please send advice on how to get the bad teats to produce! And if you have any other treatment ideas, really prefer natural/old school but understand not everyone is on the same page with that, so open to other suggestions as well.
Please let me know your ideas on what I’m doing wrong. I’m a newbie and can use all the help! Be patient with me I am worried this will take out my other 2 does in milk!
Goat#1 : developed a hard mass in one udder overnight. The soft/normal side dropped significantly in production, and on the hard side I could only get a few squirts of yellowish milk out, milked several times throughout the day, down to nothing coming out by evening, but mass was still there. Positive mastitis strip test on the little bit I could get out earlier in the day, she had a fever, and spent about 18 hours off her feed. Lengthy massages and rubbing Dynamint on it several times a day (we are organic due to our human family health concerns/sensitivities) and eventually got the swelling down so her udder was soft again on both sides. Production still ZERO on the previously hard side, back to normal production on the other side within about 6 days. (2F but first time being milked) I decided to dry her off because who wants to milk one teat... but THEN...
Goat #2 about a week and a half later, exact same thing, but opposite teats. She had a fever but did not go off her food. Currently on day 4 or so, her fever is gone but her udder still has the mass in it, and I cannot for the life of me get ANYTHING out of that teat! Production in the “good” teat now increased to about half of normal. (Goat #2 is FF and Goat#1’s daughter)
ME, Human#1: 3 days ago, I developed mastitis on one side. I am/was breastfeeding my 18mo old daughter. Never had mastitis before now, and it has me wondering if there is something contagious taking out half the teats in my herd, especially because...
Goat#3 Presented last night with a mass in one udder, low fever, sudden drop in production. I’m able to get a small amount of milk from the “bad” teat (for now, expecting that to be done with soon considering the previous 2). (Goat #3 2F/1st time Milker and is Goat#1’s sister...
Is something wrong with their bedding? Could it be a milk handling issue? Is mastitis contagious or possibly even viral? Could they be eating too much calcium or something?
Also, please send advice on how to get the bad teats to produce! And if you have any other treatment ideas, really prefer natural/old school but understand not everyone is on the same page with that, so open to other suggestions as well.
Please let me know your ideas on what I’m doing wrong. I’m a newbie and can use all the help! Be patient with me I am worried this will take out my other 2 does in milk!