Help Rabbit with Mastitis...


Ridin' The Range
Oct 8, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ohio
My absolute favorite doe is sick and I need some advice...

About a week ago we had some massive rain storms and rain blew in the vents in top of the cage and got the nest box drenched... I have my rabbits in hutchs so on days it was pouring the rain I just ran out and fed them really quick... I feel awful because for 3 days this poor doe and her babies that were about 6-7 weeks old sat in damp filth... the first day it dried up some I went out and cleaned the cages really well... took out the babies and moved them to their own cage since mama wasn't nursing them as much... I noticed she was a tad swollen on bottom around her nipples but didn't think much of it...

She typically nurses the babies once at most twice per day so if she hadn't nursed recently she looks like that normally... I figured that she would dry up with the babies moved out and all would be ok...

well apparently she got an infection from sitting in the damp bedding... the swelling never went down but it never got any worse either...

but today I noticed she hadn't eaten as much as normal and hardly drank anything... I checked her again and one nipple has a swore on it and dried up blood.... and the other side is REALLY swollen...

I tried putting some terimycin (not sure on spelling but it's the yellow powder antibiotic) in her water but since she isn't drinking much I doubt it will do any good...

So I'm going to have hubby stop by and pick up some more meds on his way home and some needles. I figured pen-g would work... but I am not sure how to administer it the best way for a rabbit? do I give the shot under the skin or in a muscle?

also should I try to get some sort of probiotics to counter balance the effects of the antibiotics on her?


Ridin' The Range
Oct 8, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ohio
we gave her a shot of pen-g yesterday and within an hour she perked up today the swelling had went down just a tad...

warning graphic
She did let me squeeze some of the puss out of one side... it was chunky :sick poor thing didn't even move the whole time and I know that had to hurt! the other side looks awful! she had a scab over her nibble yesterday and today it fell off at some point she was raw and puss was oozing out in a circle around where her nipple used to be... I tried to squeeze some out from there but she flenched so I knew it was causing her major pain... so I cleaned her up and put some antibiotic cream on both sides... and I gave her another shot of pen-g today.

I just hope I am not over dosing her on pen-g... one of the only websites I found said to give 1/5 cc per pound... last I weighed her she was 19lbs but she has lost a few pounds since she just finished up nursing a big litter of kits and she always drops a pound or two for summer... so I estimated her at 15lbs and gave her 3 cc based on the guidelines on the website... but the bottle says 1cc per 100 lbs!!! and the guy at tsc said I couldn't even give it to any small animals it was for horses only... (tsc is great on prices but they are not the brightest crayons in the box) So does anyone know if I'm giving her way too much? I figured if I was then she would show signs of being sick from OD today... but her appetite increased she drank a good bit of water... her droppings are still firm... but since the swelling only went down a tad and her teats were still firm I went ahead and gave her another 3 cc dose today.

I let her out of her cage to run around the yard and she was feeling better... she even did flips! and dug a 10 inch deep hole! even on her good days she just lays around (she's a Flemish giant and quite lazy) so to see her so energetic today was quite a surprise. I'm still pretty worried especially after seeing how bad that sore was now that the scab fell off... lets hope tomorrow she is doing better still! :fl