Ridin' The Range
I picked up some rabbits who traveled from another state to meet me 3 hours away, one of them a Lionhead doe, possibly bred, was showing obvious signs of stress, I knew I was asking for trouble when I cam up and they were crammed 2-3 into tiny carrying cages, this made me want to take every rabbit there, went for 4 came back with 13, all I could carry home and they rode comfortably in their own holes. The doe, I need help with, I'm sure is dehydrated, I started her on pedialyte yesterday once I figured out she just wasn't drinking, I have a water bottle and a crock in her cage and her food and she is just not eating or drinking. Yesterday I noticed what looked like blood stuck to her hiney with matted pee and poo fur. This is when I started the pedialyte via dropper. Well this morning she was acting fine, finally being nosy, 30 min. later, she starts just jumping all over the cage like a mad woman, I grab her, I was scared she would hurt herself and she does a little bit more jumping and then starts screaming, screamed for 2 or 3 minutes, I calmed her down and she just laid up against my chest for a while, I am still giving her the pedialyte orally, she is responsive, drinking from the dropper ( like it's going to end), looks up when she hears a sound, but lays her head back down when I shhh her. Is this shock? Obvious dehydration, is that all? What else do I need to be doing? I'm freaking out, I already love this girl, she is so sweet. Please give me your advise. Anyone.
EDIT!!!!! She just now went from the laying on her side postion to laying being on her belly!!!! This has to be a good sign.
EDIT!!!!! She just now went from the laying on her side postion to laying being on her belly!!!! This has to be a good sign.