Roy and Vicky
Chillin' with the herd
Duh is about 2 months old now. I'm giving him 1.5 quart of milk replacer mornin, noon, and night. Is that enough? He looks thin, I can see his hip bones. He refuses to eat the calf starter, he refuses to drink from a bucket. He's munching on grass. I have him out about 7 hours a day now, worked up slowly like I read. no sign of scours, no diarrhea, I boost him up about 1/2 hour every few days and see how he does on pasture. But he's not making any headway and that worries me. He's fiesty, oh boy is he fiesty. I've got him walking on a lead now which is great. I can take him from his pasture area back to the chicken coup with just his bottle and of course he knows he's going to get it so he follows right along. The dang birds are eating more of the calf starter than he is lol. Is it okay to give him some hay? and if so how much at a time.