Royd Wood
New Member
There is talk of higher hay prices this year around the Southern Ontario area -$4.50 to $5 small and $40 to 45 for rounds whats the price for small squares and round bales going to be in your patch ???????
Is he feeding it as dry cow hay or using it as bedding?goodhors said:And then there are the folks like our neighbors who NEVER cut and bale first cutting before 4th of July when almost every bit of nutrients are gone. Just seedy, brittle, stemmy bale of weeds by then. Lucky cows. His second cutting is done near Labor Day or later. Same kind of crop. I mean WHY bother to collect that stuff? He bales all around us, though always a bit late on each field. Baling so late is money wasted, these bales are junk with such late cutting.