4 months. $1,500 later. He stepped on something a got a deep puncture wound. I no idea, nothing in it, had Xrays. It keeps blowing up and popping. Vet says its all the dead and damaged tissue trying to leave the body. Horse is only getting worse. 40 broken days a 3 different antibiotics. Epson salt hot towel soaks, clean twice a day with soap and iodine, icthimol bandaging, animaleintex wraps, cold hosing. You name it... My Vet has seemed to run out of answers.... I as well as he has talked to c\a couple other Vets.. Noone seems to have anymore answers. If he doesn't get any better, I will have to put him out of his misery.... Has anyone found something off the wall that might help him??? Hes been drinking AVC... Was hoping that might help flush this mess. Any ideas would be great. Thank you