Chillin' with the herd
I have a NZW doe that I got when she was a few months old. It's been nearly a year since then and she's always been skittish and unpersonable. I try to hold her once in a while to get her used to it, but the more I try to hold her the more she freaks out and tries to jump out of my arms. So, I haven't been too keen about getting her out lately (She's an outside hutch bunny).
My buck, on the other hand, who I got when he was a few months old a couple years ago, is very personable and doesn't jump away when I put my hand out to pet him.
So... will my doe always be like this? Does this trait get passed down to her kits? What should I do to make her more personable? Here's a picture of her (see how her position is defensive):
My buck, on the other hand, who I got when he was a few months old a couple years ago, is very personable and doesn't jump away when I put my hand out to pet him.
So... will my doe always be like this? Does this trait get passed down to her kits? What should I do to make her more personable? Here's a picture of her (see how her position is defensive):