Exploring the pasture
So this was interesting - when I'm at home, I'll put my 2 NDs on a picket so they can get new pasture. Today was the third day I'd put them out on a more open area. There's no shade there, so I've been moving our truck to create some. Today, after I put them out I got distracted and forgot to move the truck. Well, for the past few hours, Lucky has been yelling and yelling. I thought he was just acting spoiled because when I'd come out, he'd graze like everything was fine, but the minute I went back in, he'd start up again.
So anyway, it occurred to me about a half hour ago that I hadn't moved the truck and they were probably getting a little warm out there, so I went and moved it. Viola, he's happy and quiet now! So I'm not sure if it's because it was too hot, or because he felt safer not being out in the wide open, but whatever the reason, I'm happy not to hear him yell. What do you guys think? Are goats agoraphobic??
So anyway, it occurred to me about a half hour ago that I hadn't moved the truck and they were probably getting a little warm out there, so I went and moved it. Viola, he's happy and quiet now! So I'm not sure if it's because it was too hot, or because he felt safer not being out in the wide open, but whatever the reason, I'm happy not to hear him yell. What do you guys think? Are goats agoraphobic??