Loving the herd life
My Nigerian dwarf buckling (3 months old) got hypothermia the other day. We took him to the vet's immediately and we finally go him up to 98 degrees before we took him home. I slept with him in the house that night and stayed home from school to watch him and keep him warm. Then he began wagging his tail and acting a little bit more like himself. Then after 4 days inside and occasionally outside for a little while, we let him stay out all day and then at night. This morning, we found him lying on the ground again with hypothermia. We took him in the house and ran a very warm bath. We got in the bath and had him in with us. After 45 minutes, it temperature was up to 97 so we took him out. Then we blow dried him with the heater running too. Then we wrapped him with warm towels from the dryer and took him downstairs in front of the heater. After a while he began bloating up like a balloon. We could not get him to go down and he started breathing harder and harder. we tried some vegetable oil, but it didn't help much and we massaged his sides. We called the vet and she said dish soap and water while rubbing his sides. We did this and it went down, but we went to the vets anyway to make sure he was okay. He doesn't eat grain. He had a half piece of bread, and some water. He didn't eat any hay all day, but has been pooping a lot. The vet said that since his systems were weak, the bread was too much for him because of too many preservatives. We took him home and he began bloating again about 3 hours later. We did the same procedure and gave him 1 milliliter of karo syrup. After a while it would go down and then get a little bigger. After 10 minutes when I was massaging him, he barfed practically watery poop out of his mouth. It was gross. He kept burping and he finally went to normal. His temperature is a little lower than normal at 99.7 right now and he if now in front of the heater. He is still pooping normal, but has no energy. I don't know if that is just from the whole day (he hasn't slept all day), and the procedures, the cold... or if there is more wrong inside of him. The vet said there isn't really anything more we can do except just massaging him and seeing if he would eat. We haven't given him any more soap water, but offered him more regular water. The vet said if he still gets worse, he may pass away or we can take him to ohio state for surgery, but that would cost a ton and we already spent $300 and we can't afford a surgery. I was wondering if any one had any similar experiences or suggestions. If you don't know what I could do could you please just keep him in your mind and hope for the best. He is sooo loving. Our does don't like him, but when they leave him, he cry's forever until you bring her back. He also runs up to people and wags his tail soooo much more than our does. When you pull in the drive way, he runs up to the fence and cry's for you to come pet him. I hate to see him so down and dull. I love him so much. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN! THANK YOU!