Chillin' with the herd
I have two nigi bucks in the same pen that are 7 months old. One is alittle further along in development than the other and has started smelling alittle bucky. I would like to see if he will breed with my three does. My does are all over a year old and have never been breed so I have no clue how to tell if their in heat or if they've ever been in heat.
How would you go about putting the does and buck together. I really don't have anywhere to put the second buck. It's my understanding that you shouldn't but the buck in the does pen? I've never breed my goats before so this is a first for me. Any and all advice is welcome and thank you
I'll try to get pics up of my goaties.
How would you go about putting the does and buck together. I really don't have anywhere to put the second buck. It's my understanding that you shouldn't but the buck in the does pen? I've never breed my goats before so this is a first for me. Any and all advice is welcome and thank you
I'll try to get pics up of my goaties.