I've been trying to break my goats from being spoiled with pure alfalfa. Now I'm giving them grass/alfalfa hay. They normally don't like it so the buck yells (BAAAAs really loud) because he wants pure alfalfa. Well, today I decided I was going to win. Well, at one time today, I hear him BAAAA really loud. I go out there to tell him no and he's got his legs in the air and rolling. I thought something was wrong, so I run up to see what happened. I'm about 5 feet from him and he gets up like nothing. I got so mad for him freaking me out, I scolded him (yes like a child) Well, doing some research, I guess they are not suppose to be on their backs and he was probably yelling for help. He is my fattest goat, major hay belly going on. So I really feel bad for scolding him. Gotta give him lots of hugs tomorrow, even though he'll stink me up.