Input wanted on possible rabbitry set up...


Chillin' with the herd
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
We have done a lot of research, and have been trying to narrow down how we want our rabbitry set up to provide healthy animals, healthy meat, and healthy fertilizer.

Here are our current plans, we would really appreciate good/negative feedback so we can improve them. We are getting our first breeders at the end of this month (just weaned), so we have some time still before we need to be ready for litters. Our rabbits will be NZ crosses (various), meat type rabbits.

Breeding Doe Cages

Built on top of a 8'longx4'widex3'deep bin filled with dirt (bin itself made from old pallets). Wire top cage, bin there to allow natural burrowing behavior. We have not decided if we should have just one or two does per bin - not sure on space.

When does are between litters, will be turned out in a rabbit tractor. During that time, the pen will have been cleaned of manure and savings applied. Does will be bred their last week in the tractor.

During winter months, does will be rotated from one extra bin to their own to keep cleanliness and to allow for natural parasite reduction via a no-host period of three-four weeks.

Meat Rabbits

After weaning in the bins, young rabbits will be moved to a rabbit tractor, where they will graze (and be supplemented with pellets) until butcher ready. During winter months, they will instead stay in a colony-style enclosure, not totally sure on specifics yet as we aren't sure on how many does we will want kindling throughout the winter - we may want a break after summer! :)

Breeding Bucks

When not in use, breeding bucks will have their own traditional wire cages in the winter or a small tractor in the summer time for each buck.

At this point, our main focus is healthy, rotational practices that minimize time spent in each individual's cage. We would like to leave each cage empty for at least one full month at least twice per year. During empty days, Does will either be in a tractor or in a seperate spare bin to kindle.

We are only getting two does to start, but would like to grow to no more than ten does.

Any advice appreciated!


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
i got to hand it to you really thought this out sounds functonial and healthy :D


Just born
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score
Better Late than Never!

Wow, you got quite the little project going. A few thoughts.

1. Bucks, do you need more then 1? Maybe spend some money and get a big breading Buck. That would solve half the cage issues. You could set up a cage and a small run for him. When its that time, ;) you just put the doe in his cage and, wa-la, baby rabbits. (yes I know it takes longer than that.)

2. Ad for the Does, I think the birthing pins is a good idea. You just rotate as required. I would not allow them to dig though, they are very hard to get out of warrens. Maybe a sand or lawn/grass floor with some chicken wire down to keep them from digging. If you use sand then you can sterilize the ground with some bleach -water after each litter. This should help with illness.

3. What kind of rabbits are/did you get? I heard the New Zealand, I think, is a good meat rabbit, grows fast and is big. also what is your plan for the meat and belts?

Best of luck with your project, I would love to know how it goes.