Chillin' with the herd
About a week ago we tryed to introduce my baby billy goat to my mini donkey Nester.
well it was a flop , Nester got very agressive he was trying to chase little Bilbo and we had to interviene because i was afraid Nester would hurt Bilbo, i thought about this alot could it be because Bilbo smells like a dog? Bilbo sleeps out in my back yard and plays with my chihuahuas that i let out there during the day lol he also sleeps in the old dog house out there because when i got him he was a bottle baby and stayed in the house during the cold weather, if i give Bilbo a bath and make him smell diffrent will that help with the introduction ? i realy want them to be friends because Bilbo is getting to big for the back yard and needs room to run. :/ i dont want a disaster on my hands and suggestions would be helpful
well it was a flop , Nester got very agressive he was trying to chase little Bilbo and we had to interviene because i was afraid Nester would hurt Bilbo, i thought about this alot could it be because Bilbo smells like a dog? Bilbo sleeps out in my back yard and plays with my chihuahuas that i let out there during the day lol he also sleeps in the old dog house out there because when i got him he was a bottle baby and stayed in the house during the cold weather, if i give Bilbo a bath and make him smell diffrent will that help with the introduction ? i realy want them to be friends because Bilbo is getting to big for the back yard and needs room to run. :/ i dont want a disaster on my hands and suggestions would be helpful