Chillin' with the herd
I'm dealing with a small space for my rabbits (4 adults, 7 kits) and chickens (9 hens, 5 chicks). Chickens are currently in a chicken tractor, rabbits are in 2'x3' hutches. My husband intended to build a 6'x8' shed to house the chickens to replace our now too small chicken tractor, but I'm seriously considering going back to a total of no more than 8 hens since they're going through pellet/oyster shell/cracked corn mix so fast, which makes me think they're not foraging much (they are allowed to free range daily in our fenced yard), and the eggs aren't selling very well. I increased prices on my eggs to be more competitive with local egg sales. I'd love to keep the critters all in one structure (rabbits on one side in their individual cages, chicken roosts/nest boxes/feeder/waterer on the other) provided everyone has plenty of space and ventilation to keep cleaning and winter maintenance simpler...what do you think?