Singing Shepherd
Ridin' The Range
Hello fellow shepherds! I am new to posting and have not sent in a formal new member description, but i read this site and turn to it frequently to learn how to best care for my tiny herd. I started out by helping a friend who had two newborn lambs that needed to be bottle fed cause ewe was unable to nurse. I am hooked-line and sinker included- and am planning to build a herd by yearly additions. I will take time to fill in detail another day; my immediate problem though is with my six month old ram who came to feed last night newly covered in dark feces all down his behind and back legs. Up until that point I had not noticed anything unusual or any behavioral changes. Since then I have checked on him regularly and have seen no appreciable change in the last 24 hrs. I care for him so dearly and want to call a vet immediately; my inexperience gives me concern that I have missed some sign that I have not learned about from my avid reading about sheep care, and that therefore now he is really sick beyond the obvious. I have jotted down a list of observations for reference. I do not have a thermometer to take a rectal temp, but his muzzle is its usual temperature. He is eating meals, grazing, walking around, vocalizing, etc. Any advice?