Herd Master
I can't hold it in anymore.
It will be on Sunday
I remember the day is if it was last week. My math teacher told us to have a great day being that it was Friday the 13th. At recess we were called in and the School was put on secure perimeter. During the day there were just rumors that there was a school shooting but no adult would confirm it. I got home my mom had a scared voice while she told us that I gunman had gone into my cousin's school, Arapahoe, at the time it was said two were injured, one girl severely. We packed that afternoon but we couldn't exactly, maybe a thing or two before we needed to check the news. My mom got a call from him on his brother's phone and it was known he was okay. That night when we got to our Mountain house he was out playing hockey. We went to bed, but I don't exactly fall asleep quickly. When he got back I faked being asleep but smiled knowing he was there and okay. The following morning going to skiing he told us about it.
I have hid saying the school name and mentioned that something happened
It will be on Sunday
I remember the day is if it was last week. My math teacher told us to have a great day being that it was Friday the 13th. At recess we were called in and the School was put on secure perimeter. During the day there were just rumors that there was a school shooting but no adult would confirm it. I got home my mom had a scared voice while she told us that I gunman had gone into my cousin's school, Arapahoe, at the time it was said two were injured, one girl severely. We packed that afternoon but we couldn't exactly, maybe a thing or two before we needed to check the news. My mom got a call from him on his brother's phone and it was known he was okay. That night when we got to our Mountain house he was out playing hockey. We went to bed, but I don't exactly fall asleep quickly. When he got back I faked being asleep but smiled knowing he was there and okay. The following morning going to skiing he told us about it.
I have hid saying the school name and mentioned that something happened