Nissan took Dusty out in the field today. She was a very good mommy, wouldn't let Dusty get more than a few feet away. She had to very slowly go out there, Dusty didn't want to go through the mud. So she woudl go a few feet to a rock and stand there and Nissan would call her. Then Dusty woudl go to the next rock and it started over. Once they got out, Dusty is just going coo coo. Running, jumping spinning. Nissan is having a hard time keeping up with her. Such a good momma.
Yogurt had one baby. I think it is a boy. I do not get too close to Yogurt right after kidding. She gets very aggressive and if I mess with her baby too much she will reject it. So Yogurt is in the pen with her baby and he was trying to nurse within 30 minutes. I still haven't seen him latch on but as hard as he is trying and I pretty sure he will figure it out. Unfortunately, this is Yogurt's second single in a row. Depending on how the season goes she may have to be culled.