Ridin' The Range
The first of my ewes is due to lamb in about a month. The night pen for the ewes is 10'x10', and houses three ewes and a wether. The ewes are around 75 pounds; the wether is a little bigger but I don't think he's over 100 pounds.
I'm worried that if a ewe lambs at night while they're all in the pen the baby will get trampled or that the ewe won't be able to bond well in such a crowded area. Would it be a good idea to start jugging her at night a few days before she's due, or am I overthinking things?
I'm worried that if a ewe lambs at night while they're all in the pen the baby will get trampled or that the ewe won't be able to bond well in such a crowded area. Would it be a good idea to start jugging her at night a few days before she's due, or am I overthinking things?