well i am thinking about what is the best way to keep my rabbits cool over summer it can get really hot here in australia and was wondering what other people do to solve this prob
cheers mat
I use frozen water bottles, different sizes depending on the temp. Or frozen tiles. Works great! I've heard some people use fans, but I don't have a cord that stretches that long so I haven't tried that one.
I use frozen water bottles and box fans. Also keep them under a tree. It gets into the triple digits here during summer and I have never lost one during the summer.
Ditto on all of the above. Frozen 2 liter bottles, changed after a few hours if it's really hot. I read about frozen tiles here on BYH -- that was a great idea. Cages are in deep shade with all wire sides (roof is raised high and they sit on a wire frame so total air circulation). I did stretch cords and resort to a box fan when temps went over 105 for weeks.
Also make sure drinking water is cool enough so they will drink more. They don't seem to like 105F water on a hot day. Can't say as I blame them.
My rabbits are in their own house with cement floor, that helps so much in the summer time because I just need to wet down the floor and it's a lot cooler. I also give mine frozen water bottles, frozen tiles and to keep them hydrated they get carrots. I also supply them with ice water and spray them down once in a while, I also have a lot of fans as well. I have never lost a rabbit to the heat (which I'm thankful for!) and the summer time is the worst time for me, I barely leave the house if the heat is over 90 degrees! Need to watch over my babies
yes i am thinking frozen water bottles and i am freezing there hole water bowl and rotating it for there hot one if need be am worryed for i am going on holidays for a month and am trusting a freind to do all this for me while i am away
ditto on the above, and also, make sure they have a breeze/proper ventilation. I have been known to spray mine with a hose if it got too hot, witht the fine mist setting.