Chillin' with the herd
Okay, so it's been a year since my goats were bred. I'm pretty sure that even though they gained weight and filled up their udders it's not a case of me getting my dates wrong. So last weekend we went out and bought a doe in milk and two of the babies from the farm who are not related to the doe in milk. Now the babies are 1 week and 3 weeks old and are eating from bottles three times a day. How and when can I attempt to stop that mid-day feeding so they're down to just a morning and evening feeding?
Oh, and we sold the goaties who were pretending to be pregnant? to this really, really cool guy from the Ukraine. He talks just like Dracula and says his whole community lives on goat milk and products made from goat milk so he KNOWS that he can fix my goats. I was so grateful to him that I sold him one of my other favorite goats too.
And the new goats are Sables? Is that a real breed, is it a good milking breed? They're beautiful and big draft goats like I like so it wasn't even a hard decision to shell out the bucks to buy them. Yes, I know I could look up all this stuff on google but I've just been diagnosed with cancer and I get tired so easily that I can only take being on the computer for a few minutes to a half hour at a time.
Oh, and we sold the goaties who were pretending to be pregnant? to this really, really cool guy from the Ukraine. He talks just like Dracula and says his whole community lives on goat milk and products made from goat milk so he KNOWS that he can fix my goats. I was so grateful to him that I sold him one of my other favorite goats too.
And the new goats are Sables? Is that a real breed, is it a good milking breed? They're beautiful and big draft goats like I like so it wasn't even a hard decision to shell out the bucks to buy them. Yes, I know I could look up all this stuff on google but I've just been diagnosed with cancer and I get tired so easily that I can only take being on the computer for a few minutes to a half hour at a time.