Loving the herd life
Well both my Tan girls came thru. My black had 3 Sunday night/Monday morning - 2 of which survived. The 3rd, may have been squashed by the doe as it was up in the front of the box, buried under the straw and shavings. The other (2) are doing good so far (fingers crossed) as this is the doe I've been having issues with - 5 breedings to date with these 2 to show so far. My chocolate sure pulled the fur last night, as there was a small mountain in the box this morning when I checked before leaving for work. When I pull the box out and dug in, there were 4 little ones kickin and squirming in the back and a 5th one dead about midway back. I'm suspecting it too may have been squashed. I'll post pics when I have a chance. Mornings are tight, as I only have a chance to check water and general state of rabbitry before leaving for work at 6.