Laughing with OCD


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
My name is Sam and I too have OCD :hugs :lol:

I have taken the pen and pad at the drs office and straightened them to each other before... Store shelves are a constant nightmare for me... My mom used to have to leave me at home when I was a toddler and young child because while in the check out line I would rearrange everything tallest to shortest.... I would freak out if we left before I was done I guess... :hide I was so young I do not recall these events BUT it was definitely a foreshadow of what was to come :gigNow even if things aren't perfectly perfect it is an organised method to my madness.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
There are many things I can laugh about now...
I was raised with the "white glove" inspection so my room as a child was meticulous. My closet- completely color coordinated as well as long sleeve, short sleeve, and fabric. Did that by age 7.

Like @Samantha drawz my food cannot touch... :sick that is so gross. I prefer separate dishes for everything- my family just shakes their head.:p

30 years ago my then therapsist (i loved him- he was great) had a client before me that would always turn the couch cushion upright (the back seat cushion) and they would LEAVE IT THAT WAY!
:duc:ep :th
So one day I complained... I got tired of fixing it everytime I came in as well as other items in the room not properly placed. My therapist laughed and told me the person had been in a terrible accident and used the cushion like that for their back. I didn't like it but the compassion in me forgave it. :lol: I would place things properly in the office BUT I did have enough restraint to leave the Dr.'s person items alone. He knew it was great restraint I was showing.

My turning point though was after I had kids- I had every toy in its place - al trucks placed according to size... when my then 3 year old took everything off the shelves ( he was a neat-nik) and rearranged it all.
:ep I was freaking out on the inside... but then I noticed he was putting them back up- according to PURPOSE! He also use to clean the front door window constantly.... that is when I thought - genetic markers are one thing but I don't really want my kids being OCD.

I still have lots of "quirks" and when someone needs to know if something is level or a color is exact they all call on mom.

I no longer mow the grass 3 times to make sure every blade is exactly the same and I even use words like "it's good enough".

I still never use the same cleaning cloth twice... a new cloth for every time I wipe something down. Lots of bleach too.

I miss my OCD sometimes because everything was just "right" but life is short and I don't miss the mini- blackouts that would occur from when I was at my worst.

Being "normal" is exhausting... being OCD was natural. LOL

Hens and Roos

Herd Master
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
South Central WI
I think we all have OCD ;)

My DH prefers to eat his food, one food group at a time on his plate if given the chance. I do tease him and tell him he best put some of everything on his plate before his kids eat it all!

My youngest DS, doesn't like his fingers sticky and will wash them several times during a meal....yet will be outside playing with sticks and mud minutes later with no issues...go figure!

DH will tease me because when we are working on something or even in our shop, I am sweeping up the area all the time- drives me nuts when the kids pull the hay out of the container to feed and it's all over the shop floor :barnie.

It drives DD nuts if someone puts the 2 different size spoons we have away mixed together, when putting dishes away and yep you guessed it DH will do so on her :th

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
LOL- One of my favorite things when my kids were toddlers is to go to other people's houses and organized their closets, bathrooms, kids rooms.

I did not get invited for "play dates" to often however because I would end up cleaning floors and scouring everything- I figured they were just overwhelmed mom's that got behind... and I would help... but I was really driving them nuts- so they just came to my house. :D

I miss how everything was so clean.... maybe I did the wrong thing... a little OCD around here could do wonders! :lol:

You know those "counters" they put across the road to count cars for when they need to know traffic usage? I CAN do it now, but I cringe... in my "bad" days I would drive 20 miles out of the way if I had to but would NOT drive over them.

Hard living in an old house that needs a redo... now you know why I want to move. :lol:

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Speaking from personal experience I can tell you that a little (or more) OCD can be a marvelous thing when renovating a house. The contractor we use for some of the things I can't or don't want to do has been impressed that every time he makes a pile of rock from excavating or a pile of debris from contruction they are usually gone by the next time he comes for a job. :)

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