Chillin' with the herd
A few weeks ago I traded a cockrel and a capon for a boy and girl rabbit, this morning I have 12ish new bunnies.
Brand spanking new. These are our first ever rabbits, we weren't even actually ready. I had been researching and planning for some time, but we didn't have housing set up. It was spontaneous. The lady was wanting my two chickens, but she had unexpectedly come into these two rabbits, so the trade was unexpected. I worried that they may not even be fertile, she had no clue about them at all. So I am thinking the trade was so worth it.have the awww factor going on. I'm thinking you made a good trade. are you new to rabbits or an old hat? I'm thinking about bunnys as a meat source but I'm not sure yet. congrats on the litter!
I've been doing my chickens for a while now, so decided to try the rabbits. I use the pellet gun on the chickens, was figuring on using it on the rabbits too. I live in town so couldn't get a real gun, I got the 100 dollar rifle style .22 and .17 (two different sized barrels came w/ the one gun) seems to do the job.my biggie problem with getting bunnies is not the breeding or raising part or the cleaning and processing part. I'm just not sure i can bonk them on the head. I'm such a nudge when it comes to that. and i don't want to end up with 4,000 bunnies