Looking for a Mentor

Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
New to raising rabbits for meat and fur and would very much like to have a mentor before starting out!
If you or some one you know lives in or near the California east bay area I'd love to talk to you!


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Texas
I don't live in the East Bay, but here's a couple suggestions for you.

The American Rabbit Breeders Association, an organization I think is worthwhile even though I don't show my rabbits... lots of useful information comes out in their magazine, Domestic Rabbits, and the annual membership fee is quite reasonable. Anyway, they love, love, love to get new people involved with rabbits.

The following would be good to start with because each of these folks raise rabbits and want rabbit breeders to be successful.

The District 2 (which includes California) rep is Joe Lugo and his email is joelugo1@aol.com. You could email him and I bet he'd have someone who could mentor you in a heartbeat. Feel free to mention to him that a member of ARBA from Texas suggested you write him.

Another suggesion is to check for rabbit breeder clubs. For instance, since you mentioned breeding meat rabbits, the California Rabbit Specialty Club's contact is Darrell Howe -- ddhowe@fnwusers.com. The Florida White Rabbit Breeders Association's contact person is Tonna Thomas -- tthomasoo@sbcglobal.net. The American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders contact is Bruce Himmelberger -- dhmf2002@yahoo.com.

I got these names from the Sep/Oct 2012 edition of Domestic Rabbits. I should think any of them would be happy to get you in contact with someone from their club that is closer to your area.

Good luck with your plans.