Ridin' The Range
I saw the request for a lye-free recipe without a recipe in response so I don't know if this is possible but here goes ...
I have very sensitive skin and I normally use an olive oil and aloe blend soap with few other ingredients. Sometimes I use a similar one that incorporates glycerine and lavender oil.
I have noticed that milk really benefits my skin also and I'm interested in making soap (or lotion) using these kinds of ingredients without anything harsh. Does anyone have a recipe like that? Thanks so much!
I have very sensitive skin and I normally use an olive oil and aloe blend soap with few other ingredients. Sometimes I use a similar one that incorporates glycerine and lavender oil.
I have noticed that milk really benefits my skin also and I'm interested in making soap (or lotion) using these kinds of ingredients without anything harsh. Does anyone have a recipe like that? Thanks so much!