Overrun with beasties
We had our first loss due to delivery complications this morning. I knew one of my ewes was going to lamb within a day or two. I got up every 2-3 hours last night to check on her. I saw her at 5am and she seemed fine, not in true labor at that point. No goo or pushing or anything like that. Went back out at 8am to find a lamb with its head out but no feet. I wasn't sure if the lamb was still alive and the ewe wasn't really pushing at all. Got my husband out to hold her and found one foot by its jaw. The other was flat back against its body and I couldn't retrieve it easily. We did get the lamb out after only a few minutes work but it was already dead. I figure she must have gone into hard labor shortly after I checked on her at 5am. I feel bad for her as she is walking over the pasture calling for her lamb. I know she will get over it soon but it's still sad. Sure wish my timing had been better and we could have saved that lamb. :-(