Lots of Goat Inquiries


Chillin' with the herd
Nov 21, 2020
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Hello! I'm very new to this site and to goat information. I'm hoping to get a pair of goats in the near future and am trying to pack in as much research and prep as I can. (any tips for a first time goat owner would be much appreciated!)
I already have my heart set on Nubians, I'm aware that they are a little on the noisy side, but our neighbors are pretty far off and very noisy themselves and aren't very nitpicky people in general so I'm not worried about that part haha. My family decided it was best for us to have two does as pets to start out with, but make sure to choose a good milking breed so we can do dairy a little further down the road. We mostly need them for brush control. My biggest question about this part is, do we get them as babies or adults? Which is more convenient? And how much would it cost to feed 2 babies? Or two does not in milk? And how much should we pay for either, how much is too much? Is monitered tethering for brush control ok? (I've heard many different things ont his topic) What should my goat keeping record book look like? (I almost always keep a record book on all my animals, but I've never done anything like goats before) I'm going to find the measurements of the enclosure we're building tomorrow, and I would like some possible feedback on if it is sufficient for two goats.
We already have a farm picked out that raises nubians and we are going to visit and ask lots of questions there, but I need as much information from as many different goat owners that are willing to share advice, or experiences, or just plain facts about nubians that I may not have known.